Advanced Pharma Clinical Research

Challenge: Enrolling a subject in a clinical trial can be difficult due to the strict study requirements.
Deliverables:  User Research, User Flow, User Personas, Wireframe, Prototype, Mockups
Tools:  Google Forms, Photoshop, Illustrator, Miro, Figma
My Role:  UX/UI Design

Problem Statement

Obtaining sufficient data for the screening process is one of the main challenges in recruiting participants for clinical trials. Sign-ups that do not match the study profile may consume a lot of valuable office time.


Collecting enough data on prospective clinical trial participants could speed up the process significantly and pre-qualify them for later research.


Stakeholder's Analysis

User Stories

Competitive Analysis

As an experienced marketer at Advanced Pharma, I've learned that recruiting participants is the most important part of our research studies. I couldn't find any mobile apps that specifically focus on finding volunteers.

The majority of individuals exhibit immense interest in locating studies and gaining access to comprehensive clinical trial summaries. It is notable, however, that even the colossal entities within the medical realm, such as Pfizer, Cleveland Clinic, Worldwide, and Mayo Clinic, have yet to offer mobile applications for volunteers to conveniently register themselves in medical trials. This lack of convenient digital platforms raises questions about the degree to which these prominent corporations prioritize the accessibility of their clinical studies to prospective volunteers.


User Flow

Low Fidelity

High Fidelity

Design System


Onboarding Process

The primary objective of the app was to ensure a simple sign-up experience for participants, while also maintaining a straightforward approach. This would eliminate the need to question the intended use.

The welcome screens serve the purpose of providing participants with sufficient information about the sign-up process, guiding them through each step seamlessly.

Registration Process

The intention of the sign-up screens was to collect enough comprehensive medical information on each potential volunteer, ensuring that the clinical trials are conducted with utmost care and precision. In addition to the primary sign-up screen, an additional section was thoughtfully created with an educational objective in mind.

This section empowers stakeholders to curate the necessary details that they deem important to share with potential volunteers, thus equipping them with a deeper understanding of the complexities and significance of participating in clinical trials.


One of the most difficult aspects of clinical trials is finding suitable volunteers. It requires thorough screening and collecting sufficient information about individuals to ensure their suitability and to properly randomize them for the study. This process can be time-consuming and costly for the company conducting the trial. That is why the development of a mobile application specifically designed for clinical trials would be extremely beneficial. The app could serve as a platform for potential volunteers to provide detailed information about their medical history, demographics, and other relevant factors. This information could then be easily accessed and analyzed by the trial coordinators to identify suitable candidates for the study.

By investing in a mobile application for clinical trials, companies could streamline their recruitment process, save time, and ensure that they are enrolling the most suitable participants for their studies. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way clinical trials are conducted, making it a win-win situation for both the companies and the volunteers.