Dermatologist-developed skin care line, Dr. Loretta, is a carefully crafted collection of products that caters to the unique needs of every skin type. With a primary goal on combating external factors that contribute to aging, this innovative skincare brand has become a trusted ally for individuals seeking effective anti-aging solutions.

Product Development

The overall design concept was meticulously curated to evoke a sense of joy and playfulness, ensuring its universal appeal across diverse age groups. This deliberate choice in design not only captured the attention of consumers but also fostered a deep sense of engagement, ultimately translating into a remarkable 30%+ increase in profitability. By strategically implementing a visually compelling hierarchy across all marketing initiatives, from advertisements to packaging, this innovative approach succeeded in surpassing the businesses' expectations. Moreover, it astutely managed to achieve extraordinary results while also delivering a significant return on investment (ROI) by effectively controlling and minimizing production costs in every stage of product development.


Branding • Print Collateral


Corporate ID • Email Marketing • Product Design